Team Booskerdoo profile: Brian "Muffin" Dellet
Name: Brian Dellet
Trail name: Muffin
Favorite Muffin: N/A
Job: Teacher, Professional Stand Up Paddle/Surf/Rock Climbing Guide w/ Aloha Guides
Favorite Booskerdoo Coffee: Rwanda Fair Trade
[Left, Muffin in high exposure at the Gunks in New York. Right, Muffin flashin a smile.]
Booskerdoo is proud to welcome its newest Booskerdoo Outdoor Team member, Brain Dellet, a.k.a. Muffin, an outdoor adventure guide and owner of Aloha Guides. Muffin started rock climbing in 1992 when working for the Monmouth County Park System, "I was hooked immediately." He has climbed and surfed...
Why does my coffee maker make weak coffee?
It's not you. It's technology being "less than."
Coffee Blending... a love story
Roastmaster James writes the Column "The Coffee Life" for Menu Magazine, click on the title below for the latest post:
Coffee Blending... a love story
Team Booskerdoo Profile - Jake Weller
Jake Weller
Team Booskerdoo Member since Spring, 2012
Profession/Passion: White water rafting guide, bike mechanic
Location: Huntington, PA
Favorite Worm: Gummy
Favorite Booskerdoo Coffee: Black & Tan

Area man discovers cat in tree... forgets to tell anyone
does this show up?